Mastodon Nachhilfe | Suche Chemistry, Physics, Biology Science S65AS Sheffield, BSc, PGCE, 5 Years Experience, : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe in Chemistry, Physics, Biology Science

ID 31197
S65AS Sheffield
Chemistry, Physics, Biology Science
BSc, PGCE, 5 Years Experience
GCSE, A Level
Nachhilfe Profilbild
If you%u2019re looking for Science Tutoring for GCSE or Chemistry or Physics A Level then I should be able to help you. I am a Qualified Secondary Science Teacher, with over 4 years experience in tutoring all levels. Chemistry and Physics are covered to A level and Biology to GCSE. Exam Prep is a speciality and I have an excellent record of improving the grades of my previous students. I have a BSc in Chemistry and Management and a PGCE in Secondary Science. I have taught in a range of schools and to students of different ages and abilities. I am happy to tutor you both at your home and at mine and I cover most areas of Sheffield. I am based in Walkley. I am happy to work most evening and weekends. At certain times of the year I am busier than others, but will make a good effort to fit you in if at all possible I would recommend that GCSE students need at least 1 hr a week and A level 1 1/2 hours depending on circumstances in order to be able to fully cover the syllabus. Obviously the earlier you start the better, but even if it is last minute there is still some exam technique and missing knowledge to be taught which will help you get the best grade you can. I generally work on an initial session to check that we get on ok, and then arrange further sessions from then. If at ay time you feel that our arrangement is not working it can be changed or terminated. Valid CRB Hels
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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