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Nachhilfe von zu Hause aus, bequem & sicher
Viele unserer Lehrer/innen bieten Access Datenbank, Access-Nachhilfe online an.
Fernunterricht, Onlinenachhilfe, E-Learning, via Zoom, Skype, Webcam usw.

Und für alle die dennoch Präsenzunterricht wünschen, bieten wir weiterhin klassische Nachhilfe beim Schüler oder beim Lehrer in Deiner Nähe.

Nachhilfe Access Datenbank, Access

Es geht evtl. um mehrere Themen(?):
Access, Datenbank, Access
Suche: Access Datenbank, Access   (87 Ergebnisse / 87)   

Nachhilfe Wordpress, Webdesign, Textverarbeitung, ... Mittelstufe, Oberstufe, Abitur, Ausbildung, Studium, Weiterbildung

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam
Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für Access Datenbank, Access
1) ID 308991
aus 86415 Mering
Wordpress, Webdesign, Textverarbeitung, Powerpoint, Microsoft Office, Kostenrechnung, Kaufmännisches Rechnen, Excel, BWR, Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Rechnungswesen, Access
Diplomkauffrau mit Schwerpunkt Informatik 20 Jahre Tätigkeit als Trainer und Lehrerin an Schulen, Hochschule und Weiterbildungseinrichtungen im Bereich IT und Kaufmännischen Fächern ECDL-Master, betraut mit der Erstellung von bayernweiten Abschlussprüfungen Langjährige pädagogische Erfahrung eigene Lernkonzepte
Mittelstufe, Oberstufe, Abitur, Ausbildung, Studium, Weiterbildung
Nachhilfe Profilbild - 
Das Bild des Nachhilfelehrers/der Nachhilfelehrerin aus Mering ist nicht öffentlich zugänglich.
Es kann nur von registrierten Mitgliedern gesehen werden.
Hallo, mein Name ist Bea-Juli. Seit über 20 Jahren trainiere ich Jugendliche und Erwachsene im Bereich IT und in kaufmännischen Themengebieten. Besonders praktische Anwendungen unterrichte ich liebend gerne - wie z.B. Office-Anwendungen. Access und Excel sind meine Leidenschaft, zudem entwickle ich seit mehr als 10 Jahren Webseiten. Gerade in den IT-Themen ist Online-Unterricht ideal, aber ich komme gerne auch zur/m SchülerIn, wenn der Wohnort im Nahbereich liegt. Verfügbar bin ich an jedem Tag zu jeder Zeit, das heißt - die Arbeit als Nachhilfelehrerin ist mein Hauptjob! Du bist bei mir in guten Händen!
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
Erfolgreiche Vermittlungen:
31 👍💪
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  erreichbar via Skype, oder Skypenachhilfe  info  Kontakt
zuletzt aktiv:
01.05.2024 21:20 ! (2 Tage)
Kommentare: (von Nachhilfeschülern oder Eltern)
  • Alles Super, sehr freundlich,zuverlässig und kompetent. Somit kann ich Sie nur weiterempfehlen.Top!!!
  • Sehr zufrieden, tolle Zusammenarbeit
  • Alles Bestens!
  • Sehr nette und geduldige Lehrerin :) erklärt alles sehr gut und verständlich
  • Sehr nett, Stunde war hilfreich! Danke schön!
  • Ich bin zufrieden. Fr.S. kann gut auf meine Bedürfnisse eingehen. Ihre Erfahrung in Nachhilfe ist macht sich im Umgang mit den Kunden positiv bemerkbar. Ich fühle mich gut aufgehoben.
Auf Merkzetteln:
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Nachhilfe Powerpoint, SQL, Datenbanken, Wordpress,... Abitur, Ausbildung, Studium, Weiterbildung

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam
Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für Access Datenbank, Access
2) ID 313646
aus 79110 Freiburg
Powerpoint, SQL, Datenbanken, Wordpress, Word, Webdesign, VBA, Softwareentwicklung, Programmierung, Programmieren, PHP, OOP, Microsoft Office, Informatik, Excel und Word, Excel, EDV, Computer, Access, HTML, CSS, JS , VB.Net, PHP, VBA-Makroprogrammierung
Erfahrener IT-Trainer, Web- und Datenbank / Access / SQL Programmierer, Excel-Coach inkl. VBA Makroprogrammierung
Abitur, Ausbildung, Studium, Weiterbildung
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Ich bin ein erfahrener IT-Trainer und habe an verschiedenen Akademien Kurse vorwiegend im Bereich Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Datenbanken (Access und SQL) sowie in Programmiersprachen wie VBA, VB.Net, PHP, HTML, CSS, JS, etc. gegeben. Ich habe eine MCT Trainer-Lizenz und bin neben meiner Tätigkeit als Dozent in der Programmentwicklung tätig. Der Lernerfolg und Freude beim Lernen sind mir sehr wichtig und das Unterrichten stellt für mich einen willkommenen Ausgleich zur Programmierarbeit dar.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
Kostenlose Probestunde:
Ja, Nachhilfelehrer/in bietet kostenlose Probestunde.
Erfolgreiche Vermittlungen:
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  erreichbar via Skype, oder Skypenachhilfe  info  Kontakt
zuletzt aktiv:
vor mehr als 6 Wochen
Kommentare: (von Nachhilfeschülern oder Eltern)
  • Herr E. Ist sehr flexibel, freundlich, geht ausgesprochen angenehm auf einen ein! Wir sind sehr zufrieden!
  • Herr E. ist ein sehr guter Nachhilfe Lehrer.
    Herr E. erklärt sehr verständlich und hat mir sehr geholfen!
Auf Merkzetteln:
17x  ?   |   Kontakt

Nachhilfe Excel, VBA, Access, Makros, SVerweise, E... Für Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene, Berufstätige und in der Erwachsenenbildung...

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam
Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für Access Datenbank, Access
3) ID 311978
aus 1030 Wien
Excel, VBA, Access, Makros, SVerweise, Excel-Formeln
Ich habe umfangreiche Erfahrung mit Excel und Access aufgrund Beruf und Studium
Für Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene, Berufstätige und in der Erwachsenenbildung, Ausbildung, Studium, Weiterbildung
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Hallo, ich biete Nachhilfe (Corona-tauglich auch via Internet , -) in - Excel - Access - VBA, Makros - Windows allgemein - Grundlagen Mathematik Würde mich freuen ihnen/dir zu helfen. Ideal für Berufstätige die ihre Kenntnisse vertiefen wollen. Erstes Treffen ist natürlich kostenlos.Keine webcam erforderlich! Danke Harald
ab 15Eur/h  info
Kostenlose Probestunde:
Ja, Nachhilfelehrer/in bietet kostenlose Probestunde.
Erfolgreiche Vermittlungen:
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Auf Merkzetteln:
18x  ?   |   Kontakt

Nachhilfe Informatik, Unix, Linux, PHP, JS, C, C#,... MCSE, Alle Niveaus, Studium, Weiterbildung, Oberstufe

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam
Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für Access Datenbank, Access
4) ID 6268
aus 4123 Allschwil
Informatik, Unix, Linux, PHP, JS, C, C#, C++, Apache, Nginx, SQL, relationale Datenbanken, nicht-relationale Datenbanken, IT-Sicherheit, Netzwerktechnik, MongoDB, BigData, Windows, MS-Office, Word, Excel, Access, EDV, AutoHotkey
BSc Informatik / RHCA / MCSE / Informatiker Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer Programmiererfahrung seit 25 Jahren.
MCSE, Alle Niveaus, Studium, Weiterbildung, Oberstufe
Ich bin ein sehr flexibler Nachhilfelehrer, jederzeit verfügbar.

Warum mir Nachhilfe Freude macht?
Ich liebe Informatik und Sprachen, helfen macht mir Spass! Es ist schön zu sehen, wenn ich Wissen und Erfahrung übermitteln kann und der Schüler oder die Schülerin daran wächst.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Auf Merkzetteln:
9x  ?   |   Kontakt

Nachhilfe Java Programmierung, Visual Basic, SQL, ... Mittelstufe, Oberstufe, Abitur, Ausbildung, Studium, Weiterbildung, Beruf

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam
Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für Access Datenbank, Access
5) ID 322964
aus 1150 Wien
Java Programmierung, Visual Basic, SQL, Softwareentwicklung, Software Engineering, Python, Programmieren, PHP, OOP, ObjektOrientierte Programmierung, Java Programmierung, Javascript, JAVA, Java, IT Sicherheit, Informatik, CSS, Datenbank, Datenbanken
Langjährige Berufserfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung, seit Jahren auch als Nachhilfe und Projekthilfe Lehrer tätig.
Mittelstufe, Oberstufe, Abitur, Ausbildung, Studium, Weiterbildung, Beruf
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Mehr Infos per Email und/oder Telefon.

Warum mir Nachhilfe Spaß macht?
Ich arbeite momentan im Bereich Nachhilfe und Projekthilfe mit HTL Schülern sowie auch FH Studenten zusammen, kenne mich in diversen Bereichen aus und finde mich in neuen Gebieten schnell zurecht. Es macht mir Spass, anderen bei ihren Programmier-verwandten Problemen zu helfen, und ihnen die Software Welt ein wenig näher zu bringen! In meiner Freizeit betreibe ich leidenschaftlich Jiu-Jitsu :D
Ab 35, bzw 50 Euro für 90min  info
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Eintrag vom:

Nachhilfe Mathematics, Statistics, Database Design... Grade 9-12, University Foundation Level, and Bachelors Degree Level

6) ID 31255
aus 10510 Jakarta Pusat
Mathematics, Statistics, Database Design, Computer studies, Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint
B.Comp.Sc. (Australia), M.Comp. (Australia)
Grade 9-12, University Foundation Level, and Bachelors Degree Level
I have tutored students at the corporate level, as well as for O Level, IB and GCSE examinations. I have also tutored students doing Foundation and 1st year university level. I can speak English and Bahasa Indonesia fluently, but the teaching will be in English.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Informática Todos os Níveis

7) ID 26419
aus 22630011 Rio De Janeiro
Central de professores para aulas e serviços de informática em domicílios e empresas. Todos os assuntos. Qualquer local do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
Todos os Níveis
informática,internet,office,word,excel,excel avançado,power point,Access,corel draw,photoshop,fireworks,adobe illustrator,adobe in design,edição de vídeo,gravação,autocad,3 d studio max,algoritimo,linguagem c / c++,programação,banco de dados,visual basic,delphi,dot net,.net,java,visual studio,microstation,macintosh,ms project,webdesign,flash,linux,windows,rhinoceros,actionscript,asp,php,mysql,maquete eletrônica,vba,e-commerce,after effects,arc gis,python,sound forge,matlab,cobol,visio,cisco,html,dreamweaver,tcp/ip,adobe premiere,lotus note,design gráfico,excel com estatística,excel com matemática financeira,lightscape,montagem e manutenção,pascal,rede,segurança de rede,vector works,animação,Access avançado,vb,visual fox pro,promob,fotografia digital,javascript,engenharia de software
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
Erfolgreiche Vermittlungen:
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Nachhilfe Excel, Access

8) ID 19653
aus 3001 Mauerbach
Excel, Access
Betriebswirt, Controller
Controller (Betriebswirt, Mag. 32J) gibt qualifizierte Nachhilfe in Excel (Einführung, Berechnungen, Graphiken, Funktionen, Pivot Tabellen, Makros, VBA, automatisierte Reports, Managementcockpits, …) und Access (Einführung, Datenbank anlegen, Abfragen erstellen, Berichte, Graphiken, Makros, …). Bin sehr geduldig. Termine nach Vereinbarung, Mo-Fr Abends, oder Sa, So. Nähe Purkersdorf (NÖ) oder Wien
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Mathematik, Physik, Informatik, Deutsch,... Alle Stufen bis und mit UNI/FH Grundkurse

9) ID 7725
aus 8002 Zürich
Mathematik, Physik, Informatik, Deutsch, Französisch, Word, Excel, Access
- eidg. dipl. Informatik Ing. Fachhochschule - Berufsmatura - mehrjährige Unterrichts-Erfahrung
Alle Stufen bis und mit UNI/FH Grundkurse
- sehr erfahrener Nachhilfe-Lehrer - gute fundierte mathematische und sprachliche Ausbildung - günstige Preise
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Mathematik, Physik, Chemie, Word, Excel,... alle Niveaus

10) ID 42
aus 78467 Konstanz
Mathematik, Physik, Chemie, Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint
Dipl.Math., Dipl.Inf.-Wiss.
alle Niveaus
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Ich habe Interesse daran Nachhilfe in den Fächern Mathematik, Physik und Chemie zu erteilen. Bitte keine Anfragen zur Programmierung. Nachhilfe in allen gängigen Microsoftprodukten.
VHS, abhängig von Umfang und Stundenzahl  info
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zuletzt aktiv:
26.04.2024 21:03 (7 Tage)

Nachhilfe Word, Excel, Access, Xcelsius, Office Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittener

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam
Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für Access Datenbank, Access
11) ID 18762
aus 79689 Maulburg
Word, Excel, Access, Xcelsius, Office
Betriebswirt, MSCE, MCDBA, MCT, Analyst, 4 Jahre VHS Unterrichtserfahrung.
Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittener
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Meine Stärken als Analyst liegen vor allem in Excel. Unterricht auch als Fernunterricht möglich mit zuhilfenahme von Remote Software, Telefon und/oder WebCam.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Rechnungswesen, Informationsverarbeitung... Realschule oder Berufsschule (Kaufmännische Grundstufe)

12) ID 39040
aus 91625 Schnelldorf
Rechnungswesen, Informationsverarbeitung, Excel, Access
Kaufmännische Assitentin mit Schwerpunkt Informationsverarbeitung
Realschule oder Berufsschule (Kaufmännische Grundstufe)
Ich möchte Schüler/innen helfen, damit sie auch so viel Spaß an BWL haben wie ich :-)
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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 Nachhilfe finden
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Nachhilfe Technische Mechanik, Mathematik, Serbokr... Studium

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam Nachhilfelehrer gibt ausschließlich Onlineunterricht.
13) ID 311730
aus 79110 Freiburg
Technische Mechanik, Mathematik, Serbokroatisch, JAVA, JAVA-Programmierung, Höhere Mathematik, SQL, Datenbank, C Programm
Ich habe einen Bachelor-Abschluss Mikrosystemtechnik in Freiburg gemacht. Ich habe viel Erfahrung mit Nachhilfe. Den Unterricht kann ich in Deutsch oder Serbokroatisch erteilen. Die Nachhilfe findet online per Skype mit einer Desktopübertragung statt.
Ich biete Nachhilfe und Hilfe bei den Hausaufgaben. Ich könnte Ihnen ab 17 Uhr Nachhilfe bieten.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Skype, oder Skypenachhilfe  info  Kontakt
Auf Merkzetteln:
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Nachhilfe Informatik, Softwareentwicklung, SQL, Da... Grundschule, Mittelstufe, Studium

14) ID 305775
aus 70190 Stuttgart
Informatik, Softwareentwicklung, SQL, Datenbanken, Mathe
Software Ingenieurin
Grundschule, Mittelstufe, Studium
Ich bin Ingenieurin und gebe Nachhilfe in Mathe für Grundschüler, Mittelstufe auch möglich. Ansonsten kann ich in Informatik helfen (nach vorheriger Absprache in welchem Gebiet der Informatik)
ab 25 Euro/h  info
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Nachhilfe AutoCAD, Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPo... Chefs, Berufstätige, Auszubildende, Studenten und ggf. Schüler

15) ID 36912
aus 50735 Köln
AutoCAD, Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, VBA, Word
Diplom Ingenieur Holztechnik, freiberuflicher EDV-Trainer für MS-Office, VBA und AutoCAD
Chefs, Berufstätige, Auszubildende, Studenten und ggf. Schüler
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Ich bin seit Mitte 2008 hauptberuflich als EDV-Trainer für MS-Office tätig. Meine größten Vorzüge liegen darin, dass ich auch schwierige Inhalte maximal einfach erklären kann und extrem geduldig bin.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe English, Business Studies, Law GCSE, AS and Degree

16) ID 17827
aus NW10 7XA
English, Business Studies, Law
LLB (Hons) Law
GCSE, AS and Degree
Professional Managing Director, with extensive training skills and knowledge.Twenty five years experience of working with and supporting vunerable client groups, along with the development of youth training, and enhancing literacy and personal development. Developing people to reach their full potential is the main area of all my work. Teaching Experience: Extensive wealth of experience working with people, has enabled me to concentrate on assisting individuals, teams and companies to Access their full potential. Tutoring Approach: Designing, managing and delivering customised training for organisations and individuals . All tapping into the series of innovative, unique, interactive courses, workshops, management programmes, and solutions provision.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Topografia Alto

17) ID 40198
aus 36100 Vicenza
Topografo lunga esperienza Istituto Geografico Militare e catasto, attività rilievi Italia e paesi esteri- insegnante topografia corsi fondo sociale europeo, ordini professionali istituti tecnici privati e università telematica Offre ripetizioni di topografia. Zone: Vicenza Verona Padova rnMetodo didattico chiaro, semplice ed efficace con risultati eccellenti e costi Accessibili rnContattare il *phone*
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe English, Proof reading academic papers i... GCSE, IB, A-Level, Undergraduate, Proof reading for all levels

18) ID 39839
aus 69221 Heidelberg
English, Proof reading academic papers in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in English and Music (University of Leeds, UK)rnPost Graduate Certificate in Education (Teaching Certificate) English and Teaching English as a Second LanguagernMasters in Education: Management, Curriculum and Pedagogy, Language and Literacy (Open University, UK)
GCSE, IB, A-Level, Undergraduate, Proof reading for all levels
I have 8 years classroom and management experience in the English secondary school system, teaching English Language and English Literature. I am a highly successful classroom teacher - using a range of strategies to interest and engage my students. I work hard to ensure that each student achieves their potential I have experience tutoring one-on-one with all ages (from 3-18) and love to see progress and achievement in my individual students As a British national who has spent 6 years living in the USA I also have a good command of the style and tone of American English Flexible appointments available...location Accessible by tram.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Englisch, Französisch, Rumänisch, Rumäni... Verschiedene

19) ID 7382
aus 66333 Völklingen
Englisch, Französisch, Rumänisch, Rumänisch Muttersprache, Computer, EDV, Computerunterricht, Windows, Office, MS-Office, Internet, EMail, Word, Access, Excel
Auszubildende im letzten Jahr - kaufmann für Spedition und Logistikdienstleistungen
Ich habe seit Jahr 2000 die oben gennante Fächer privat unterrichtet. Zwischen Juli 2005 - Aug. 2007 habe ich in einem Nachhilfe Institut in Saarland unterrichtet. Ich benutze auch eigene Hilfsmaterialien (zB Übungsblätter) für die verschiedene Unterrichtsthemen. Zur Zeit unterrichte ich englisch in einem Lernstudio in Völklingen und habe einen Englisch-Kurs für die Mitarbeiter der DHL Freight in Saarbrücken organisiert.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe English, Mathematics, Information Techn... C2 (English), GCSE (Maths), A2 (Applied ICT) up to 16 years old

20) ID 34124
aus 2822 Lanzenkirchen
English, Mathematics, Information Technology
PGCE Maths Secondary BSc Metallurgy (Hons) MOUS Expert in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access & PowerPoint
C2 (English), GCSE (Maths), A2 (Applied ICT) up to 16 years old
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Among my qualities are:- 1. Reliability (I will be there through thick and thin!) 2. Patience 3. Enthusiastic 4. Hardworking (do not give up easily!) 5. Sense of humour. I have been teaching students from the age of 7 up to and including adults for the past 21 years!
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Art Base / Avanzato

21) ID 38679
aus 10095 Grugliasco
Base / Avanzato
Lezioni private /ripetizioni - Informatica di base, Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Internet, Posta Elettronica, Preparazione esami ECDL, uso della tastiera a 10 dita, Corrispondenza Commerciale, Pratiche d\'Ufficio, DDT e Fatturazione, Partita Doppia, Buste Paga - Grugliasco nnnnMore information at request / by phone or email. :-)
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Mathematics, Economics, Accounting IB Diploma, GCSE, A Level, SAT, AP

22) ID 37460
aus HKG Hong Kong Island
Mathematics, Economics, Accounting
BSc Economics and Mathematics
IB Diploma, GCSE, A Level, SAT, AP
Experienced teachers & tutors, supporting students in Hong Kong through IGCSE, IB, A Level, SAT, AP examinations. Location tuition or home tutoring is offered through one-to-one sessions or small-group workshops. Students also have Access to support materials: past papers, worked solutions, topic-specific revision notes and drills.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access... Informática, basica e avansada

23) ID 34146
aus 26587 791
Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Internet
3ª de Tecnologia em informática
Informática, basica e avansada
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Aulas particular de informatica, para quem tem algum conhecimento e para quem nunca pegou no mouse, individual ou em grupo.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Basics Fundamentals of Computer, program... Basic, Intermediate

24) ID 33343
aus 0124 Gurgaon
Basics Fundamentals of Computer, programming languages like C anf C
Basic, Intermediate
I have got experience in teaching programming languages and the basic fundamentals of computer like MS word,excel,Access to internet etc.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe ORACLE, Access, VBA, Excel, SQL BEginers to Expert(All levels)

25) ID 32015
aus 56004 Bangalore
ORACLE, Access, VBA, Excel, SQL
B.E,[M B A]
BEginers to Expert(All levels)
Hi, I am arun,Working for MNC in Bangalore as a lead-Analyst. during free time am taking tutions on ORACLE 9i,Access,VBA,Advanced Excel,SQL with reasonable prices. i got 3 years of training exp,from past 3years am teaching al these subjects,i use to take corporate training. cal me for for more details Thanks Arun
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry G.C.S.E and A Level

26) ID 25289
aus B67 7DA Birmingham
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
PG Diploma in Infromation Technology and MSc Mechanical Engineering
G.C.S.E and A Level
1)Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to convey subject material in an Accessible and compelling manner rn2)Strong leadership qualities and the ability to manage challenging behaviour calmly and effectively rn3)The ability to establish positive relationships with students and parents 4)A talent for involving and motivating students of all ability levels rn5)Explaining the things in a practical approach with examples where necessary.
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Nachhilfe Informática, Informática Educacional Educação Infantil a 3ª Idade

27) ID 24935
aus 25010 Duque De Caxias
Informática, Informática Educacional
Educação Infantil a 3ª Idade
Aulas Particulares de Inform?tica para Crian?as, Adultos e 3? Idade - Consultoria para o seu dia a dia rn%u2022 Aulas particulares de inform?tica para iniciantes com dificuldade de aprender ou n?o t?m tempo de fazer cursos longos. Tamb?m para pessoas que queiram se aprofundar ainda mais em algum assunto.Aprenda em sua casa ou escrit?rio, podendo tamb?m ser via MSN ou atrav?s de apostilas ilustradas, utilizando seu pr?prio computador. (Windows, Internet, Aplicativos de escrit?rio (Office), Word, Excel, Access, apresenta?es PowerPoint), etc. Voc? escolhe o local, a hora e a melhor forma para aprender, economizando tempo e dinheiro. %u2022 Darei suporte via telefone, para aquelas horas mais dif?ceis %u2022 Poderei orientar seus filhos e netos em trabalhos e para um acesso seguro a Internet, sem que eles percebam ser por orienta??o de seus pais ou av?s %u2022 Atendimento apenas no Estado do RJ e na Capital, para outras regi?es favor consultar disponibilidade e pre?o Atendemos tamb?m em grupo.. Entre em contato e agende uma visita para conhecer tudo que podemos oferecer.
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Nachhilfe English Secondarary and higher secondary level,Hons. level ,B.A (pass)

28) ID 25301
aus 1200 Dhaka, Bangladesh
B.A (Hons.) M.A(Eng) rnB.C.S (Education)rnLecturer in English
Secondarary and higher secondary level,Hons. level ,B.A (pass)
ABU SHALEH MOHD and develop professional skills and like a prospective career having a sense of self worth, values and rewards. Enjoy the challenges of enthusiasm and phase of making things analyzed. Feel pleasure in Access of problems solving and sharing knowledge with others rnJob Experience : %u25D8 I have qualified B.C.S (Education) in 2006 and Working as an English Teacher at Govt. Commercial Institute, Satmasjid Road Mohammad Dhaka. %u25D8 I have been working as a Lecturer in English from 2004 to 2006 as a Lecturer in English at Mohammadpur Model College %u25D8 Worked as lecture in English at Police Smrity School & College from 2001 to 2004 Awards and Courses : %u25CFCommunicative English Language Course Course Date : from 16th April 2006 to 27 th April 2006rnGrade Achieved : B (became 1st in the course Course Organized by : NAEM %u25CF Course on Teaching Methodology Course Date : from 20th May 2006 to May 2006 Grade Achieved : B (became 1st in the course Course Organized by : NAEM %u25CF Course on Computer Basics Course Date : from 27th May 2006 to 08 June ,2006 Course Organized by : Microsoft Bangladesh rnEducation: M.A in English (2000), Dept. of English , P.U.B 2.97 in 04 point Grade Scale B.A (Hons.) (1999), P.U.B 2.99 in 04 point HSC (1994), Notre Dame College, Dhaka Board, (Major in Science) First Division, Marks: 836rnSSC (1992), Ideal School & College, Dhaka Board, (Major in SciencernFirst Division, Marks: 820 Computer Proficiency: rnApplication Software : MS- Word, Excel, Access, Power Point Operating system : Windows%u201997, 98, 2000, Millennium, XP rnPersonal Information:
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Nachhilfe Wirtschaftsmathematik, Organisation, Int... Student im 2. Semester

29) ID 27070
aus 01819 Bahretal
Wirtschaftsmathematik, Organisation, Intercultural, Management, Access, Statistik, Marketing, Finanzierung, Investition
Allgemeine Hochschulreife, sowie 2 Semester im Studiengang BWL/Dienstleistungsmanagement
Student im 2. Semester
Ich bin ein sehr freundlicher und aufgeschlossener Mensch. Mein Tärigkeitsfeld kann sich von Dresden bis nach Wernigerode erstrecken
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe anglais, français, vietnamien, littératu... Primaire, secondaire, supérieur non universitaire

30) ID 38661
aus 1040 Bruxelles
anglais, français, vietnamien, littérature
certificat de l\'Oxford House College de Londres (langue anglaise), master en droit
Primaire, secondaire, supérieur non universitaire
Vous avez du mal avec l'anglais? Vous n'en avez jamais fait? Ou bien avez-vous déjà un certain niveau que vous souhaitez améliorer par le biais de conversations et de cours adaptés à votre niveau et apprendre à aimer cette langue? Les cours que je dispense se présentent essentiellement comme suit : 1/ Mise en situations concrètes - conversations - petits jeux diversrn- écoute de musiquern2/ Partie théorique : - grammaire et conjugaison - phrasal verbs utilesrn- idioms, colocations et autres expressions utilesrnAu bout de quelques séances de cours, votre anglais parlé deviendra bien plus fluide! Et une meilleure connaissance de la grammaire viendra renforcer vos compétences et votre confiance en vous rnTrès bons taux de réussite! Pour ceux qui n'ont jamais fait d'anglais, je m'adapte aussi à votre niveau en reprenant tout depuis le début. Je travaille à votre rythme et vous proposerai un plan spécifique afin de vous faire progresser le plus vite possible rnMon service comprend : la leçon personnalisée, le matériel (photocopies, livres, Accessoires,. ), le suivi spécifique et le déplacement à domicile (sous certaines conditions!).
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Nachhilfe after effects,vba,,internet,office... Todos os Níveis

31) ID 103457
aus Rio de Janeiro
after effects,vba,,internet,office,word,excel,excel avançado,power point, access,corel draw,photoshop,fireworks,illustrator,in design,edição de vídeo,gravação, e autocad,3 d studio max,algoritimo,linguagem c , c++,programação,banco de dados, visu
Todos os Níveis
Central de Professores para Aulas e Serviços de Informática; Reforço para Ensinos Fundamental, Médio e Superior; Línguas. Todos os Assuntos. Qualquer Local do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe after effects,vba,,internet,office... Todos os Níveis

32) ID 103458
aus 22290 Rio de Janeiro
after effects,vba,,internet,office,word,excel,excel avançado,power point, access,corel draw,photoshop,fireworks,illustrator,in design,edição de vídeo,gravação, e autocad,3 d studio max,algoritimo,linguagem c , c++,programação,banco de dados, visu
Todos os Níveis
Central de Professores para Aulas e Serviços de Informática; Reforço para Ensinos Fundamental, Médio e Superior; Línguas. Todos os Assuntos. Qualquer Local do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Tels.: / *w*
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Nachhilfe English Basic levels

33) ID 35624
aus 08024 Barcelona
Experience teaching English as a foreign language
Basic levels
I always try and find new and interesting ways to teach English making learning fun and Accessible to all.
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Nachhilfe Japanese, Information Technology, ESL, M... Year 7-12 Japanese, Year 7-10 IT, Year 7-9 ESL, Primary School Maths

34) ID 32813
aus 3169 Melbourne
Japanese, Information Technology, ESL, Maths
Council for Adult Education (CAE) City Campus (Certificate IV in Japanese) Completed Level 4 JLPT (International Level Japanese Language Proficiency Test) exam with 85% marks. Swinburne University of Technology Hawthorn Campus, Victoria Double Degrees Bachelor of Arts (Japanese) and Bachelor of Business (Information Technology) Awards %u2022Highest score achievement award in Japanese Adult Multicultural Education Services (AMES) Oakleigh Education Office (MYOB software) Box Hill Institute
Year 7-12 Japanese, Year 7-10 IT, Year 7-9 ESL, Primary School Maths
I have a very strong interest in pursuing a teaching career. Initially I wanted to pursue a high school teaching career, so I had a few experiences of taking classes of year 7-11 students in secondary schools. So I am comfortable tutoring Year 7-12 students with their Japanese. It is my goal to engage the students not only in the language learning itself, but also to the cultural aspects of Japan. I have learnt lessons on various Japanese cultural activities, through my visit to Japan and through assistance from a Japanese native living in Melbourne. Since I also have a degree in IT, I am also quite familiar with tutoring Year 7-9 students doing IT. I am quite familiar with the following Microsoft Office Applications: Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint, Front Page, Outlook, Other programs I am familiar with include: Dreamweaver, Creating Web Pages, Windows Movie Maker, MYOB. Since I have experiences tutoring foreign language students, I can offer some Year 7-9 ESL tutoring also. I am quite comfortable to Primary School kids with their Maths also.
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Nachhilfe Mathematiques, Physique, Chimie. Collège, Lycée

35) ID 13379
aus 67000 Strasbourg
Mathematiques, Physique, Chimie.
Eleves en école d'ingénieur à Strasbourg (ECPM) après 2ans de prépa à Paris.
Collège, Lycée
Etudiant de 20ans, après deux ans de prépas je poursuit mes études dans une école de chimie. Sérieux et motivé, je m'adapte sans problème au niveau des élèves. Pas de voitures donc donne des cours sur Strasbourg même, Accessible via transport en commun.
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Nachhilfe Adobe photoshop, illustrator, Dreamweave... Basic, Standard, Expert

36) ID 17987
aus 11003 110034
Adobe photoshop, illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, Corel Draw, Page maker, Indesign, MS Office, many other softwares
P Graduate
Basic, Standard, Expert
Learn Adobe photoshop, illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, Corel Draw, Page maker, Indesign, Microsoft Publisher, Adobe acrobat, all office suite like Microsoft word, excel, Access, powerpoint and many more I am also a graphic & webdesigner so i will teach you with perfection. Contact me on *T* (Rajender *T* ) email= ravi... *err*
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe Sociology, Journalism, Media, Communicat... To MA level

37) ID 19026
aus 15 Dublin
Sociology, Journalism, Media, Communications
I am a 4th year PhD student in Sociology MA in Sociolgy MA in Journalism and Communications
To MA level
I have 10 years teaching experience in small groups, lectures and on-to-one. The gola is to make learning fun, Accessible and easy.
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Nachhilfe computer hardware, computer, adobe photo... Computer

38) ID 15703
aus 74800 Karachi
computer hardware, computer, adobe photoshop, hardware, photoshop, flash, ms-office, excel, access, word
computer installation , diagnose . Ms office , adobe photoshop , flash
Nachhilfe Profilbild
computer installation , diagnose . Ms office , adobe photoshop , flash
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe italiano, latino, greco, storia, filosof... Avanzato

39) ID 34136
aus 95100 Catania
italiano, latino, greco, storia, filosofia, storia dell\'arte, geografia, inglese, spagnolo
laureandi in Lettere e Filosofia
Si garantiscono massima competenza, professionalità, simpatia. Orari molto flessibili e possibilità di accompagnare bambini e ragazzi presso la loro abitazione(per agevolare gentori impegnati per molto tempo). Prezzi Accessibili a tutte le famiglie.
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Nachhilfe Informatik Informatik, VBA, Excel, Access

40) ID 3432
aus 32139 Spenge
Keine berufl. Qualifikationen
Informatik, VBA, Excel, Access
Nachhilfe Informatik häuptsächlich VBA, Excel
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Nachhilfe mathématiques De 4ème à écoles préparatoires

41) ID 37480
aus 31200 Toulouse
Master 2 de Mathématiques
De 4ème à écoles préparatoires
Ayant terminée mon Master 2 de Mathématiques en Octobre 2010, j'ai décidé de dédier cette année à un projet humanitaire puis à l'enseignement, vers lequel je suis tentée de me tourner rnTout juste de retour de cinq mois en Thaïlande où j'ai enseigné l'anglais et éduqué des enfants dans un orphelinat, je désire consacrer pleinement mon temps à l'enseignement des Mathématiques jusque la fin de l'année scolaire * . Mes sept dernières années d'étude m'ont en effet permis de donner régulièrement des cours particuliers hebdomadaires ou de manière plus intense pour une remise à niveau durant les vacances scolaires. Au cours de ces leçons à domicile, j'ai eu l'occasion de transmettre des méthodes de travail et une manière de penser, mais aussi de permettre à certains étudiants de mieux assimiler et de prendre du recul sur leurs différents chapitres. C'est ainsi avec un réel enthousiasme et une approche personnalisée pour chaque élève que j'aborde les Mathématiques comme une discipline Accessible à tous.
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Nachhilfe Photoshop, HTML, SQL Todos os Níveis

42) ID 38252
aus 22630 Rio De Janeiro
Photoshop, HTML, SQL
Central de professores para aulas particulares e serviços de informática em domicílios
Todos os Níveis
after effects,vba,,internet,office,word,excel,excel avançado,power point, Access,corel draw,photoshop,fireworks,illustrator,in design,edição de vídeo,gravação, e autocad,3 d studio max,algoritimo,linguagem c / c++,programação,banco de dados, visual basic,delphi,dot net,.net,java,visual studio,microstation,rhinoceros,adobe premiere,asp,php,sql server,actionscript,dreamweaver,webdesign,flash,linux,lotus note, editoração eletrônica,computação gráfica,excel com estatística,excel com matemática financeira,frontpage,html,lightscape,macintosh,maqueteeletrônica,maquetefísica,montagem e manutenção de computadores,mysql,ms project,pascal,segurança de rede,rede, tcp/ip,vector works,windows,animação,Access avançado,cisco,visual fox pro,promob,mcsa-mcse-mcp,maple,sketchup,visio,solid works
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Nachhilfe english, social sciences, history College level(currently taking up Masters in public admin major in Org study)

43) ID 37787
aus 8000 Davao City
english, social sciences, history
• Communication Skillsrn• Computer Literate skillsrn• Visual Arts Skillsrn• Interpersonal Relationship skillsrn• Writing Skillsrn• Publishing skills (movie maker, presentations, photo editing in adobe Photoshop, Picasa etc.)rn• Interview skills
College level(currently taking up Masters in public admin major in Org study)
I’m Krista Marie L. *T* , I'm currently taking my Masteral in University of Southeastern Philippines taking up Masters in Public Administration major in Organizational Studies. I’m connected to one of the largest BPO industry in Davao City as a Human Resource Associate. I have good and stable work now but I want to learn more and maximize my time that’s why looking for an online job gave me a good idea I'm looking for a part time job preferably online tutorial job either work on weekends or weekdays after my shift .My shift in the company which I’m connected with is from 9-6 or up until 7 just to finish some task. Unlike call center agents they worked on graveyard shift but as part of back office in HR Dept.we do have day shift. My tasks as a Human Resource Associate are that, I do Interviews to applicants, processing, sourcing as well as in placement Further, my reason for looking an online tutorial job is to maximize my time and as well my resources. In which, I can be able to work online because I have laptop and unlimited net Access through my postpaid broadband. In a hand, I'm fluent in speaking English because I do interviews for applicants and I'm as well a resource speaker in different seminars and forums in Colleges and Universities on “How to Ace you’re self in a Job interview”. On my end, compensation is not a big thing as long as the pay is reasonable I’m very much willing with it .Because, my main goal here is I want to learn and learn as well to share my understandings, skills and expertise to my clients. Wherein, this job application really made me very interested and made me very excited for a nut shell of learning and acquisition of knowledge that is on it. Rests assure Sir and Ma'am that I, as an HR practitioner will render good quality services and costumer satisfaction to all my clients.
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Nachhilfe Russian All Levels

44) ID 31646
aus KT16 0ER Chertsey
Teaching degree in Biology and Chemistry gained in Moscow, Russia
All Levels
I graduated in Moscow, Russia as a teacher of science and worked for a period of two years in a school in Moscow. I came to the UK and started working for a Russian oil company in London where I was involved with translations. I then worked as a translator for the Bank of England. I co-wrote a book a book in 1998 called "Talk Russian" for the BBC which was used to support a Russian language programme that they were presenting. I commenced working in the education sector in the UK in 1998 when I was engaged as a preparatory school teacher in an independent Prep school in Essex, where I continued until 2004. Since 1998 I have undertaken a number of tutoring assignments privately teaching Russian language. I taught at preparatory school teacher in Essex for 6 yeas as a class teacher covering all subjects for years 3 to 6. 1998 to date private tuition of students and business people in Russian language. My approach depends on the type and needs of the students that I am tutoring, and as such I have a very open mind when first meeting them. The methods of study will vary considerably. The younger students will need tuition geared to passing examinations whilst the more mature students are generally looking for an ability to be able top correspond orally, however with the latter I use elements of grammar and spelling as well. I have Access to several resources and use them accordingly
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45) ID 11935
Donne cours pour apprendre à utiliser Internet, sur les les logiciels bureautiques Microsoft OFFICE (word, excel, Access,...), ...
JF de 29 ans se deplacerait pour donner cours pour particuliers qui ne sachent pas utiliser Internet (surf, creation de mails,...), les les logiciels bureautiques Microsoft OFFICE (word, excel, Access,...) ; à écrire et envoyer des mails ; créer des dossiers sous Windows ; ... Experience dans une association informatique de retraites (AREN) a Bagnols sur ceze. Effectuee une formation de 6 mois sur la creation de sites internet personnel en utilisant le logiciel de création Dreamweaver (connaissance du langage HTML) Experiences de cours pour particuliers. Accepte les Chèques Emplois Services.
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Nachhilfe Accounts, Finance, Commerce, English University

46) ID 18862
aus 600 0 Chennai City, Tamil Nadu
Accounts, Finance, Commerce, English
B.A.Corporate secretaryship, Diploma in Import and export management, School administration, Travel and tourism and currently studying Management through distance education
I am Accessible for students all time as i am a housewife. I prefer working from home. I am a very patient tutor.
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Nachhilfe German, English, Computer Skills, Access... Adult, College, Professional

47) ID 5554
aus 80033 Denver
German, English, Computer Skills, Access, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, SQL, Database, Design, Basic, Visual Basic, Windows, Microsoft Office, Hardware, etc.
3.5 years college adult teaching in Business and Technology. Three years computer database, networking, harware, software and
Adult, College, Professional
I have over threee and a half years experience teaching and tutoring at the collge level. I enjoy helping people reach their learning goals. I also work in the computer industry doing database administration, programming, SQL and I am an expert in the Microsoft Office package.
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Nachhilfe German GSCE's and A levels

48) ID 12215
aus B14 Birmingham
I have no formal teaching qualifications, but I am native German speaker. I also studied German literature in Hamburg as well as attending a training course to become a primary school teacher in Flensburg. Hence I have some experience in teaching students.
GSCE's and A levels
I believe I can teach German to a high standard and in a way that is fun and Accessible. I am also very patient. I strongly believe in encouraging and working with students strenghts rather than undermining confidence.
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Nachhilfe Math, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Tri... 1st grade through post-graduate

49) ID 37562
aus 68157 Omaha
Math, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Statistics, Business Math, English literature, Reading Comprehension, English as a Second Language, Essay Writing, Creative Writing, Citations, Quantitative Research Methods, Business, Marketing
All our instructors are carefully chosen. They all have experience teaching in a classroom setting, have advanced degrees in their field of expertise, and applied field experience as well.
1st grade through post-graduate
All tutors are required to have the most thorough background check allowed by federal law All tutors are required to attend continuing education in their field(s) of expertise The company promotes a supportive learning environment All tutors have Access to an in-house psychological consultant and are trained to handle special education students.
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Nachhilfe Matematica, Statistica, Word, Excel, Acc... Avanzato

50) ID 13266
aus 35100 Padova
Matematica, Statistica, Word, Excel, Access, Power Point
Lurea in Statistica ed informatica per la gestione delle imprese.
Le lezioni si possono svolgere anche su Skype.
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Nachhilfe Excel, VBA, Pivot-Tabellen, Excel-Formel... Mittelstufe, Oberstufe, Abitur, Ausbildung, Studium, Weiterbildung

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam
Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für Access Datenbank, Access
51) ID 319180
aus 1230 Wien
Excel, VBA, Pivot-Tabellen, Excel-Formeln, Excel-Import, Excel-Export, Datenimport von Excel, Verweisfunktionen, Access, SQL, MySQL, Java, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, PHP, Oracle
Kenne Excel seit 25 Jahren. Erfahrung in der Anwendung im Beruf (PC-Administration) und auch privat. Geduldig.
Mittelstufe, Oberstufe, Abitur, Ausbildung, Studium, Weiterbildung
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Hi bin der Markus und kenne Excel schon seit der Version 4.0, also schon ca 30 Jahre und möchte gerne mein umfassendes Wissen darüber weiter in Form von Nachhilfe weitergeben , ) Mein Wissen geht jedoch auch weit über Excel hinaus, nämlich in Java, PHP, SQL, mySQL, Oracle und sondergleichen :) Ich bin unter der ersten Nummer auf Whatsapp erreichbar.
15  info
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Nachhilfe Programmieren, Datenbanktechnologien, Da... Bis Bachelor

52) ID 39980
aus Baden Baden
Programmieren, Datenbanktechnologien, Datenbanken, UML, MS-Access, Visual, Französisch, Basic, Java
Master Informatik, Intelligente Informationssysteme
Bis Bachelor
Nachhilfe - Programieren, Datenbanktechnologien, UML, MS Access, Visual , Französisch, Basic, Java - Wolfenbüttel Mehr Infos auf Anfrage / bei Kontaktaufnahme per Telefon oder Email. , -)
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Ja, Nachhilfelehrer/in bietet kostenlose Probestunde.
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Nachhilfe italiano, grammatica, letteratura, lingu... Principianti, intermedi, avanzati

53) ID 17316
aus 50013 Firenze
italiano, grammatica, letteratura, lingue straniere, fonetica, conversazione, dettati, francese, inglese, tedesco, informatica, windows, word, works, excel, access, powerpoint, paint, photoshop, html, motori di ricerca, posta elettronica, matematica, arit
dottore in lingue e letterature straniere, +
Principianti, intermedi, avanzati
Giovane (26 anni), solare, carismatica, paziente e creativa, amo spiegare attraverso schemi semplificativi ai quali aggiungere via via sempre nuovi elementi.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe Physik, Mathematik, Biologie, Computerso... 12

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam
Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für Access Datenbank, Access
54) ID 323211
aus 76131 Karlsruhe
Physik, Mathematik, Biologie, Computersoftware, Office, Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint, Englisch, Reparatur und Betreuung Telekommunikation, Tanzunterricht, Salsa, Discofox.
Ich bin 61 J. und habe Elektrotechnik an der TU Karlsruhe studiert. In meiner Schulzeit habe ich einst jahrelang Mathematik (9.-11- Klasse) unterrichtet. Meine einstigen LKs: Mathe, Bio, Englisch. Englisch brauche ich permanent, da in der Technik Englisch favorisiert ist. Bspw. habe ich mit indischen und chinesischen Offshore-Teams permanent zu tun.
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Ich halte mich pädagogisch für Nachhilfe sehr geeignet. Ich kann mich gut in Lernende hineinversetzen, bin geduldig, strukturiert und entwickele individuell angepasste Lern-Methodiken für jeden Schüler, gezielt angepasst auf seinen Lerntyp und Verständnis- bzw. Wissensdefizit. Ich achte dabei auch sehr darauf, dass ich den Schüler nicht überfordere und er motiviert wird bzw. bleibt. Persönlich tanze ich sehr gern, treibe Sport wie Badminton, Tennis, Ski oder Jogging. Ich spiele privat Gitarre, koche gern und interessiere mich bspw. viel für Politik und Kultur. Üblicherweise nutze ich für den Transfer Fahrrad oder ÖPNV. Unterricht bevorzugt nachmittags und auch manchmal abends. Ich ziehe Unterricht bei mir oder online vor. Aber immer wieder auch beim Schüler, um sein Umfeld bzw. seine Eltern kennenzulernen und eine gewisse Beziehung aufzubauen. Als Vergütung sollten es schon 22 €/Std. sein. Physik, Mathematik (jeweils alles); ggf. auch Englisch (alles), Biologie, Computertechnik, Mathematik, (jeweils, alles);, ggf., Englisch, (alles) Erwachsene könnte ich sicher genauso unterrichten, habe ich aber noch nicht oft gemacht. Ort: online, bei mir oder auch beim Schüler, wenn im näheren Umkreis. • Via Whatsapp erreichbar.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
Kostenlose Probestunde:
Ja, Nachhilfelehrer/in bietet kostenlose Probestunde.
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Nachhilfe Excel, Word, Windows, Internet, Web Desi... Advanced Basic Practical Medium

55) ID 23610
aus 81910000 Curitiba
Excel, Word, Windows, Internet, Web Design, Computação gráfica, informática avançada
Professora de Informatica, experiente, ensina Informatica a Domicilio (na residencia ou empresa), aulas praticas, dirigidas, focadas, individuais.
Advanced Basic Practical Medium
Pessoa idonea, atenciosa, objetiva, com profundos conhecimentos nas matérias Linguagens de Programação, Computação Gráfica, Excel Avançado, PowerPoint, Access, Mac, e outras.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe ICT, Maths, Business GCSE, AS, A2 - ICT. GCSE - Maths, Business

56) ID 35592
aus HA2 9 Harrow
ICT, Maths, Business
BA, MSc, Cert Ed, DMS. (QTS: Registered with GTC)
GCSE, AS, A2 - ICT. GCSE - Maths, Business
I have been in the teaching profession for 20 years. Qualified / Experienced Teacher: Secondary/Sixth Form. Exam board Examiner / Moderator experience. Head of Department. (Independent and state school teaching experience Tutoring Experience: GCSE: ICT, Business and MathsrnAS/A2: GCE ICTrnAS: Core Maths C1,C2 and S1 OCR National, HND and Foundation Degree Tutoring Approach: Help students build confidence and self believe they can succeed. Use a range of teaching aids and techniques to develop an understanding of the subject. Regularly monitor progress: check learning via assessment and homework ICT Coursework: Develop a good working knowledge of MS Access or MS Excel.
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Nachhilfe Inglese, spagnolo, Italiano, Storia, Geo... Tutti i livelli

57) ID 34141
aus 56125 Pisa
Inglese, spagnolo, Italiano, Storia, Geografia
Laurea Triennale in Lingue e Letterature Straniere e lode Laurea Specialistica in Traduzione dei Testi Letterari e Saggistici
Tutti i livelli
Laureata in Lingue e Letterature Straniere con 110 e lode, specializzata in Traduzione, offre lezioni di inglese, spagnolo e materie umanistiche, per tutti i livelli scolastici. Si assicurano professionalità, ottimo metodo e prezzi Accessibili.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe java, j2ee, j2me Beging to master

58) ID 28023
aus 76000 Karachi
java, j2ee, j2me
B.E in software Engineering
Beging to master
Career Summary Highly motivated, ambitious, driven self-starter seeks a challenging cutting edge position in an Enterprise n-tier Web/App Environment to implement my strong analytical and problem solving skills to solve business solutions. Educational Credentials 1 Bachelors of Software Engineering(B.E) from Mehran University of Eng Tech Sindh. Technical Credentials 1 2 Year Training Course of Core Java 2, J2ME, J2EE, Servlets, JSP%u2019s, ASP%u2019s, & .Net Framework. 2. 3 month working experience in InBoxBussiness Technology. Strength ;HTML, DHTML , XML, Java Script,Ajax ;Core JAVA, JDBC, Swing, IO, JavaBeans, Networking programming ,RMI ; Servlets, JSP ,Struts (1.x,2.x), Hibernate(concepts),PHP, J2ME ;MySQL, SQLServer, MS Access ;Apache, Tomcat 4.x, Tomcat 5.x, JSWDK, JSDK, Java Web Server ; NetBeans, JBuilder, IntelliJ IDEA , Eclipse, MyEclipse,Microsoft Visual Studio ; MVC Design Pattern Independent Projects I have done different independent projects. Core Java, Swing, AWT, JDBC, RDBMS 1 Anti Hacking System and Network Security(MY Final Year Project is on JAVA based. This Anti Hacking system facilitates the organization to secure its private data from hackers. It provides the port detecting system, Remote System Information, IP Utility, Remote Controlling, and many more.content %u2022 Ping Utility %u2022 Port Detection Utility %u2022 Controlling Remote System operations %u2022 Network Client Detector %u2022 Controlling Network Services %u2022 Data Shifting Agent (With CUSTOM developed downloading Protocol) 2 Admission Wing Of Mehran University Of Engineering &Tech Jamshoro Through this system the academic authority can get all information about the students of university. Means how many students are enrolled in particular department or it canEasily perform different operations (i.e Add, Update, Delete) on the records of students. J2ME, Servlets, Applets, PHP, JDBC 3 Online Hostel Allotment System Of Mehran University Of Engineering &Tech Jamshoro In this project an Html is used at the front-end of the user which communicates with Servlet Which resides at Server-Side and on this side the servlet directly communicates with RDBMS? So by using this project the user can get entire information about university because server side Servlet communicates with RDBMS (i.e Hostel Mgt: System, etc%u2026.). My Portfolio, Expertise My University Majors: Software Engineering Concepts, Object Oriented Programming, Software Testing and Quality Assurance, Software Project Management, Marketing,Mutimedia, Networking, Database, Operating Artifital Intelligence. Personal Attributes Authority: Confidence to do whatever I think. Communication Skill: Ability to articulate and can develop logical solution. Responsibility: For making small decision and facing consequences. Challenges: Can work in any demanding environment. Self %u2013 motivated: Quickly and independently able to learn any new technology on my own.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe Math, Physics, Spanish Language, Spanish... Secundary School, A-level, SQCl levels (Advanced Higher, Higher, Intermedi...

59) ID 37660
aus EH3 Edinburgh
Math, Physics, Spanish Language, Spanish guitar
Physics Degree. Several Pedagogy Courses. Teacher in state school in Spain (therefore qualified for that)
Secundary School, A-level, SQCl levels (Advanced Higher, Higher, Intermediate 1 2, Access 3 and low), first uni courses
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Private tutor with 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE for 9 aged to firsts uni courses (in different degrees). Total availability: school hours, evenings and weekends, EASTER VACATION. I have had some pupils with mild learning disability. For the youngest I have taught other subjects too. One on one basis.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe Math, Physics, Spanish Secondary students

60) ID 18493
aus N4 1SN
Math, Physics, Spanish
Secondary students
Nachhilfe Profilbild
I am friendly and patient and find it easy to make difficult concepts Accessible to pupils.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe coputer, science, english, maths Primary and secondary

61) ID 9913
aus nn18 Corby
coputer, science, english, maths
PGCE + University Of Gloucestershire + + + + + • Vocational( + Applied ICT ) + + + present Msc( Masters In Computer Science) + University Of Wolverhampton + + + + + + + Present • ICT M.A (Masters in Arts) Panjab University India certified by UK Naric as Master’s Degree + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + • English Literature B.A ( Bachelors in Arts) Panjab University India certified by UK Naric as Bachelor’s Degree + + +
Primary and secondary
I am currently working as ICT teacher at Brooke Weston CTC. It is not only one of the top schools in the country but also gives great opportunity to develop overall as a good classroom practitioner. I always try to reflect on my teaching and plan ahead. I have now been teaching at Brooke Weston CTC for five months now. The normal working hours are 8:15am to 5:00pm. I including the whole ICT departments stay till 6:00pm to conduct homework clubs. I have participated in couple of parents evening in the school. I have a year 10 tutor group. I do various types of classroom activities with them. It gives great satisfaction to help student in their learning. I am teaching wide rage of courses- AS ICT -year 13 A2 ICT-year 12 GNVQ Intermediate ICT -year9, year10 OCR National Qualification in ICT -year8 BTECH Single and Double Award in E-Business- year12-year13 ICT- Year 7 I elected to follow the Vocational PGCE course. My first placement at Heath Park Business and Enterprise College provided me with a supportive environment to begin my teaching and gave me with the opportunity not only to deliver ICT to KS4 and Post 16 students but to also teach basic word processing, PowerPoint and Publisher skills to year 7 and 8 and DIDA to years 9. This was a valuable experience which gave me an insight into pupils’ learning across the ability range at KS3. In addition I taught Website designing and Internet Technology for AVCE. During this first placement I passed my Basic Skills Tests in ICT, Numeracy and Literacy. My second placement at Telford College, involved me teaching Database Development (Access) to AVCE Intermediate students. I have also taught Basic Employment Skills and ‘User Support’ to group of 25 students. My final placement was a split placement between Heath Park and Telford College. To summarise my teaching experience, during this course I have taught the following: First Placement: • DIDA(Main Role)-Year 9 • KS3-KS4 • AVCE- Advanced-Year 13 • GNVQ- intermediate ICT- Year 10 Second Placement: • Using ICT Solutions- A level - year 12 • Employment Skills- A level - year 12 • User Support A level - year 13 • Enrichment Multimedia A level - year 13 • Macromedia Flash 5 -year 13 • System Analysis and Design - year 13 Third Placement: • GCSE Applied ICT • GNVQ • System analysis and design • Year 9-DIDA • User Support All three placements have helped to equip me with a wide range of teaching methods to make my lessons meaningful and interesting and foster pupils’ learning. I have learned a great deal with regard to developing lesson plans, resources, class management skills and differentiation. During all three placements I have contributed to the life of the school by attending and contributing to departmental meetings, as well as representing the ICT department on Open/Parents’ evenings. I have participated in Computer Clubs and Home Work clubs at Heath Park Business and Enterprise College. During my previous employment I taught ECDL to a group of young adults. I have also spent some time teaching in India, delivering DISM (a Microsoft qualification). This provided the students with professional qualifications together with practical teaching experience. This provided me with an experience which I feel has proved to be beneficial for my PGCE. As you will see, both my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree are from Punjab University India, one of the best universities in India. Both degrees have been recognised by UK NARIC (the government institute which evaluates educational qualifications from foreign countries). My degree is in ICT and covered DISM (Diploma in Software Management) certified by Microsoft which is an international and professional qualification. During my stay in UK I have gained qualification which is NEW CLAIT and am working towards an MSC-Computer Science with the University of Wolverhampton. All these qualifications have ensured that my subject knowledge has and is being constantly updated. My teaching placements and my teaching practice at Brooke Weston CTC have given me Access to delivering a wide range of ICT courses. I believe that I have much to offer both within the ICT department and within the school as whole. I am currently working as ICT teacher at Brooke Weston CTC. It is not only one of the top schools in the country but also gives great opportunity to develop overall as a good classroom practitioner. I always try to reflect on my teaching and plan ahead. I have now been teaching at Brooke Weston CTC for five months now. The normal working hours are 8:15am to 5:00pm. I including the whole ICT departments stay till 6:00pm to conduct homework clubs. I have participated in couple of parents evening in the school. I have a year 10 tutor group. I do various types of classroom activities with them. It gives great satisfaction to help student in their learning. I am teaching wide rage of courses- AS ICT -year 13 A2 ICT-year 12 GNVQ Intermediate ICT -year9, year10 OCR National Qualification in ICT -year8 BTECH Single and Double Award in E-Business- year12-year13 ICT- Year 7 I elected to follow the Vocational PGCE course. My first placement at Heath Park Business and Enterprise College provided me with a supportive environment to begin my teaching and gave me with the opportunity not only to deliver ICT to KS4 and Post 16 students but to also teach basic word processing, PowerPoint and Publisher skills to year 7 and 8 and DIDA to years 9. This was a valuable experience which gave me an insight into pupils’ learning across the ability range at KS3. In addition I taught Website designing and Internet Technology for AVCE. During this first placement I passed my Basic Skills Tests in ICT, Numeracy and Literacy. My second placement at Telford College, involved me teaching Database Development (Access) to AVCE Intermediate students. I have also taught Basic Employment Skills and ‘User Support’ to group of 25 students. My final placement was a split placement between Heath Park and Telford College. To summarise my teaching experience, during this course I have taught the following: First Placement: • DIDA(Main Role)-Year 9 • KS3-KS4 • AVCE- Advanced-Year 13 • GNVQ- intermediate ICT- Year 10 Second Placement: • Using ICT Solutions- A level - year 12 • Employment Skills- A level - year 12 • User Support A level - year 13 • Enrichment Multimedia A level - year 13 • Macromedia Flash 5 -year 13 • System Analysis and Design - year 13 Third Placement: • GCSE Applied ICT • GNVQ • System analysis and design • Year 9-DIDA • User Support All three placements have helped to equip me with a wide range of teaching methods to make my lessons meaningful and interesting and foster pupils’ learning. I have learned a great deal with regard to developing lesson plans, resources, class management skills and differentiation. During all three placements I have contributed to the life of the school by attending and contributing to departmental meetings, as well as representing the ICT department on Open/Parents’ evenings. I have participated in Computer Clubs and Home Work clubs at Heath Park Business and Enterprise College. During my previous employment I taught ECDL to a group of young adults. I have also spent some time teaching in India, delivering DISM (a Microsoft qualification). This provided the students with professional qualifications together with practical teaching experience. This provided me with an experience which I feel has proved to be beneficial for my PGCE. As you will see, both my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree are from Punjab University India, one of the best universities in India. Both degrees have been recognised by UK NARIC (the government institute which evaluates educational qualifications from foreign countries). My degree is in ICT and covered DISM (Diploma in Software Management) certified by Microsoft which is an international and professional qualification. During my stay in UK I have gained qualification which is NEW CLAIT and am working towards an MSC-Computer Science with the University of Wolverhampton. All these qualifications have ensured that my subject knowledge has and is being constantly updated. My teaching placements and my teaching practice at Brooke Weston CTC have given me Access to delivering a wide range of ICT courses. I believe that I have much to offer both within the ICT department and within the school as whole. I am currently working as ICT teacher at Brooke Weston CTC. It is not only one of the top schools in the country but also gives great opportunity to develop overall as a good classroom practitioner. I always try to reflect on my teaching and plan ahead. I have now been teaching at Brooke Weston CTC for five months now. The normal working hours are 8:15am to 5:00pm. I including the whole ICT departments stay till 6:00pm to conduct homework clubs. I have participated in couple of parents evening in the school. I have a year 10 tutor group. I do various types of classroom activities with them. It gives great satisfaction to help student in their learning. I am teaching wide rage of courses- AS ICT -year 13 A2 ICT-year 12 GNVQ Intermediate ICT -year9, year10 OCR National Qualification in ICT -year8 BTECH Single and Double Award in E-Business- year12-year13 ICT- Year 7 I elected to follow the Vocational PGCE course. My first placement at Heath Park Business and Enterprise College provided me with a supportive environment to begin my teaching and gave me with the opportunity not only to deliver ICT to KS4 and Post 16 students but to also teach basic word processing, PowerPoint and Publisher skills to year 7 and 8 and DIDA to years 9. This was a valuable experience which gave me an insight into pupils’ learning across the ability range at KS3. In addition I taught Website designing and Internet Technology for AVCE. During this first placement I passed my Basic Skills Tests in ICT, Numeracy and Literacy. My second placement at Telford College, involved me teaching Database Development (Access) to AVCE Intermediate students. I have also taught Basic Employment Skills and ‘User Support’ to group of 25 students. My final placement was a split placement between Heath Park and Telford College. To summarise my teaching experience, during this course I have taught the following: First Placement: • DIDA(Main Role)-Year 9 • KS3-KS4 • AVCE- Advanced-Year 13 • GNVQ- intermediate ICT- Year 10 Second Placement: • Using ICT Solutions- A level - year 12 • Employment Skills- A level - year 12 • User Support A level - year 13 • Enrichment Multimedia A level - year 13 • Macromedia Flash 5 -year 13 • System Analysis and Design - year 13 Third Placement: • GCSE Applied ICT • GNVQ • System analysis and design • Year 9-DIDA • User Support All three placements have helped to equip me with a wide range of teaching methods to make my lessons meaningful and interesting and foster pupils’ learning. I have learned a great deal with regard to developing lesson plans, resources, class management skills and differentiation. During all three placements I have contributed to the life of the school by attending and contributing to departmental meetings, as well as representing the ICT department on Open/Parents’ evenings. I have participated in Computer Clubs and Home Work clubs at Heath Park Business and Enterprise College. During my previous employment I taught ECDL to a group of young adults. I have also spent some time teaching in India, delivering DISM (a Microsoft qualification). This provided the students with professional qualifications together with practical teaching experience. This provided me with an experience which I feel has proved to be beneficial for my PGCE. As you will see, both my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree are from Punjab University India, one of the best universities in India. Both degrees have been recognised by UK NARIC (the government institute which evaluates educational qualifications from foreign countries). My degree is in ICT and covered DISM (Diploma in Software Management) certified by Microsoft which is an international and professional qualification. During my stay in UK I have gained qualification which is NEW CLAIT and am working towards an MSC-Computer Science with the University of Wolverhampton. All these qualifications have ensured that my subject knowledge has and is being constantly updated. My teaching placements and my teaching practice at Brooke Weston CTC have given me Access to delivering a wide range of ICT courses. I believe that I have much to offer both within the ICT department and within the school as whole. I am currently working as ICT teacher at Brooke Weston CTC. It is not only one of the top schools in the country but also gives great opportunity to develop overall as a good classroom practitioner. I always try to reflect on my teaching and plan ahead. I have now been teaching at Brooke Weston CTC for five months now. The normal working hours are 8:15am to 5:00pm. I including the whole ICT departments stay till 6:00pm to conduct homework clubs. I have participated in couple of parents evening in the school. I have a year 10 tutor group. I do various types of classroom activities with them. It gives great satisfaction to help student in their learning. I am teaching wide rage of courses- AS ICT -year 13 A2 ICT-year 12 GNVQ Intermediate ICT -year9, year10 OCR National Qualification in ICT -year8 BTECH Single and Double Award in E-Business- year12-year13 ICT- Year 7 I elected to follow the Vocational PGCE course. My first placement at Heath Park Business and Enterprise College provided me with a supportive environment to begin my teaching and gave me with the opportunity not only to deliver ICT to KS4 and Post 16 students but to also teach basic word processing, PowerPoint and Publisher skills to year 7 and 8 and DIDA to years 9. This was a valuable experience which gave me an insight into pupils’ learning across the ability range at KS3. In addition I taught Website designing and Internet Technology for AVCE. During this first placement I passed my Basic Skills Tests in ICT, Numeracy and Literacy. My second placement at Telford College, involved me teaching Database Development (Access) to AVCE Intermediate students. I have also taught Basic Employment Skills and ‘User Support’ to group of 25 students. My final placement was a split placement between Heath Park and Telford College. To summarise my teaching experience, during this course I have taught the following: First Placement: • DIDA(Main Role)-Year 9 • KS3-KS4 • AVCE- Advanced-Year 13 • GNVQ- intermediate ICT- Year 10 Second Placement: • Using ICT Solutions- A level - year 12 • Employment Skills- A level - year 12 • User Support A level - year 13 • Enrichment Multimedia A level - year 13 • Macromedia Flash 5 -year 13 • System Analysis and Design - year 13 Third Placement: • GCSE Applied ICT • GNVQ • System analysis and design • Year 9-DIDA • User Support All three placements have helped to equip me with a wide range of teaching methods to make my lessons meaningful and interesting and foster pupils’ learning. I have learned a great deal with regard to developing lesson plans, resources, class management skills and differentiation. During all three placements I have contributed to the life of the school by attending and contributing to departmental meetings, as well as representing the ICT department on Open/Parents’ evenings. I have participated in Computer Clubs and Home Work clubs at Heath Park Business and Enterprise College. During my previous employment I taught ECDL to a group of young adults. I have also spent some time teaching in India, delivering DISM (a Microsoft qualification). This provided the students with professional qualifications together with practical teaching experience. This provided me with an experience which I feel has proved to be beneficial for my PGCE. As you will see, both my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree are from Punjab University India, one of the best universities in India. Both degrees have been recognised by UK NARIC (the government institute which evaluates educational qualifications from foreign countries). My degree is in ICT and covered DISM (Diploma in Software Management) certified by Microsoft which is an international and professional qualification. During my stay in UK I have gained qualification which is NEW CLAIT and am working towards an MSC-Computer Science with the University of Wolverhampton. All these qualifications have ensured that my subject knowledge has and is being constantly updated. My teaching placements and my teaching practice at Brooke Weston CTC have given me Access to delivering a wide range of ICT courses. I believe that I have much to offer both within the ICT department and within the school as whole.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe ECDL, IT, English Intermediate, Advanced

62) ID 31825
aus Kildare
ECDL, IT, English
NUI Maynooth Teaching Degree, ECDL ADVANCED(Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint) English (Celt)
Intermediate, Advanced
tuition - ECDL, ECDL Advanced, City & Guilds IT, English - Kildare More information at request / by phone or email. :-)
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe Media, Communications, Geography, help w... Media, Communications: School, College, Post Graduate

63) ID 15443
aus SE1 London
Media, Communications, Geography, help with term papers, dissertations and essays
B.Sc: Geography, M.A: Mass Communication, M.Sc (Research) Media and Communication
Media, Communications: School, College, Post Graduate
I am patient, can provide excellent reference books, am available for online assistance, can help write / rewrite / edit term papers, dissertations and essays. With me you will have Access to a wide range of books and references and will basically get a lot done in a short while.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe French ALL LEVELS

64) ID 18522
aus 41104 Pune
I'm fluent in french, im patient and i teach not only grammar but also help prononciations and overall grasp of the language, i have Access to french music and movies to help people learn the language better
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe English, Spanish, Literature Primary School

65) ID 19847
aus 10115 Berlin
English, Spanish, Literature
4 Alevels (2As and 2Bs) MA Spanish MSC Social Work
Primary School
I am an English speaking tutor with a 3 years tutoring experience in London. I have just finished a Masters in Social Work and have spent the last year working with children with emotional and behavioural problems, helping them to gain confidence and self discipline to enable them to Access their education. I have experience working with dyslexic children and those who need help with their self esteem. I view tutoring as the opportunity to teach children how to work independently and confidently. I am motivated and passionate about working with children. References can be provided if required.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe toutes les matières du Cp au CM2 BAC+5

66) ID 12791
aus 92000 Nanterre
toutes les matières du Cp au CM2
Professeur des écoles certifiée
Bonjour, Je suis une jeune professeur des écoles (23 ans,bac+5), j'habite près de Nanterre, je me déplace à condition que ce soit Accessible par transports en commun car je ne suis pas véhiculée. Je suis disponible les week-end. Mes compétences professionnelles me permettent de m'occuper d'enfants du CP au CM2. Je donne également des cours de soutien pour les collégiens en français, maths et histoire. Je ne me contenterai pas de revoir les exercices avec lesquels vos enfants ont des difficultés et je m'engage à aborder les notions qui leur posent problème en mettant à leur disposition différents outils pédagogiques pour y remédier
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe Informatik, EDV, Big Data, Datenbank, Po... MSc In Wirtschaftsinformatik, Alle, Universität, Abitur, Ausbildung, Studi...

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam Nachhilfelehrer gibt ausschließlich Onlineunterricht.
67) ID 305353
aus 1110 Wien
Informatik, EDV, Big Data, Datenbank, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Applikation, Apache, Netzwerke, Linux, Windows, Webentwicklung, Programmierung, Hardware, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Griechisch, Englisch
Absolvent des MSc in Wirtschaftsinformatik (FH Technikum Wien) und seit mehreren Jahren als Senior DevOps Systems Engineer in Wien tätig. Ich habe zudem ~10 Jahre EDV-Nachhilfe-Erfahrung u.a. in Diplomarbeiten als auch in Prüfungsvorbereitung (HTL/IHK). Englisch-Muttersprachler und Griechisch-Muttersprachler. Mehr Infos per Email und/oder Telefon.
MSc In Wirtschaftsinformatik, Alle, Universität, Abitur, Ausbildung, Studium
Hallo! Ich unterrichte gern und fließend in Deutsch, Englisch und Griechisch. Hauptsächlich biete ich Nachhilfe in, Systems Administration, Big Data, Datenbanken (PostgreSQL, MySQL), MS Office, Applikationsserver (JBoss, Tomcat, Apache), Netzwerke, OS Anwendung (wie Linux, Windows, MacOS), Webdesign und -Entwicklung, Programmierung für Anfänger und Hardware. Weiters unterrichte ich gern Deutsch (als Fremdsprache), Englisch (Muttersprache) und Griechisch (Muttersprache). Bin Absolvent des MSc in Wirtschaftsinformatik (FH Technikum Wien) und seit mehreren Jahren als Senior DevOps Systems Engineer in Wien tätig. Ich habe zudem ~10 Jahre EDV-Nachhilfe-Erfahrung u.a. in Diplomarbeiten als auch in Prüfungsvorbereitung (HTL/IHK). Ich bin Englisch-Muttersprachler und Griechisch-Muttersprachler. Mehr Infos per Email und/oder Telefon. Kontaktaufnahme würde mich freuen! BG
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Nachhilfe Java, Access, Website University

68) ID 27457
aus UB2 5RS Southall
Java, Access, Website
BSc Computer Science
Tuitions on JAVA & Other It Tuitions Assistance on completing projects /Assignments/Course works Java, JSP, Applet, Servlets, TomCat, Apache, struts, EJB, Struts, Hibernate SQL and MySQL, MS Access, Oracle %u2026 Software Project development and many other areas. %u2026. Tuitions for professional exams and all IT exams /subjects. Help to complete projects /Assignments as well. UK - Nationwide. Offer online tuition as well as completion of coursework Very affordable rates. Just drop an email with details to get a free quotation. Onkar ---- Over 8 years experience and (B.SC honors) in computer science
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe informatica, ecdl, office, word, excel, ... Base e avanzato

69) ID 32925
aus 50124 Firenze
informatica, ecdl, office, word, excel, access, power point, outlook, posta elettronica, internet, posta elettronica, italiano, grammatica italiana, patente europea
Docente di informatica Preparatore Ecdl Dr.ssa in lingue moderne per il web
Base e avanzato
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Ho una pregressa esperienza nel campo della formazione, sia come docente che come tutor nel campo dell 'informatica, base e avanzata, e nella preparazione agli esami della patente europea.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Informatik, Programmierung, Visual, Basi... Universität / Beruflich

70) ID 35968
aus 41065 Mönchengladbach
Informatik, Programmierung, Visual, Basic, Office, VBA, Excel, Word, Access
Student der Informatik,rnFührung eines kleinen Nebengewerbes zur Softwareentwicklung,rnUnterricht in Deutsch & Englisch
Universität / Beruflich
Nachhilfe Profilbild
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Mathematics, Statistics Undergaduate

71) ID 32066
aus 3181 Melbourne
Mathematics, Statistics
B.E. in Information Technology,Postgraduate Diploma in SCIENCE (Statistics) Honours Equivalent (expected–July 2010),Master of Statistical Science (expected –July 2011) +
Relevant Units covered in Undergraduate Studies.• Applied Mathematics-1( Complex Variables, Vector Algebra, Calculus Taylors theorem, expansion of functions in power series, partial derivatives of first and higher orders, total differentiation concept of commutative partial derivatives, Eulers theorems of homogeneous functions, deduction from Euler’s theorems ,errors, approximations, maxima and minima functions of two variables.) • Applied Mathematics-2( Exact differential Equations, Linear equations & reducible to linear (Bernoulli equations), Linear Diff. Eqn. of nth order with constant coefficients, complimentary function & particular integral when the function of the integral on the R.H.S. are exponential, Sin(ax + b), Cos(ax + b).Cauchys Linear equation( Homogenous eqn.). The Legendre Linear equation, Variation of parameters & method of undetermined coefficients. Elementary application of above diff. Eqn. in solving engineering problems from Electrical Engg., Chemical Engg., Mechanical Engg., and Civil Engg. Integral Calculus: Rectification of plane curves, Double and Triple integrals, Their geometrical interpretation & evaluation. Evaluation of double integrals by change of order and change to polar. Application of double and triple integrals to areas, volumes & mass. Beta & Gamma Functions.) • Applied Mathematics 3(Fourier Series and Integrals: Orthogonal and orthonormal functions, expression of a function in a series of orthogonal functions,s ine and cosine functions and their orthogonality properties. Fourier series, Drichlet conditions, periodic functions, even and odd functions, half range sine and cosine series, Parseval's relation. Complex form of Fourier series, introduction to Fourier integral, relation with Laplace transform. Laplace Transforms: Function of bounded variable ( statement only ), Laplace transforms of 1, at, exp( at ), sin( at ), cos( at ),sinh(at), cosh(at), erf(t), shifting properties, expressions with proofs for L { t f(t) }, L { f(t)/t }, Laplace of an integral and derivative) • Applied Mathematics 4(Complex Variables: Regions and paths in the Z plane. Path/Line integral of a function. Inequality conditions for a path integral to be independent of the path joining two points. Contour Integral, Cauchy's theorem for analytical functions with continuous derivatives. Matrices: Brief revision of vectors over real field, inner product, normal, linear independence, orthogonality. Characteristic values and vectors, and their properties for Hermitian and real Symmetric matrices. Vector Calculus: Scalar and Vector point functions, directional derivative, level surfaces, gradient, surface and volume integrals, definition of curl, divergence. Use of operator. Conservative, irrotational, solenoidal fields. Green's theorem for plane regions and properties of line integral in a plane.) • Applied Mathematics 5(Probability and topics in Statistics: Statistical experiments with random outcomes, Sample space, probability defined on the basis of sample space and on the basis of events and their combinations. Theorem on probabilities, conditional probability. Bayes theorem. Random variable, probability distribution for discrete and continuous random variables. Density function and distribution functions. Expected values, variance , moments, moment generating functions, Bernoulli's trials, Binomial , Poisson, normal distributions for detailed study with proof, Other common distributions, T , F, Beta, Gamma, X with indication of the applications, Central limit theorem, Bivariate probability and frequency distributions, Correlations, regression, lines of regression. Introduction to random samples, use of random numbers, stochastic processes, Time series , queuing theory. Optimization Techniques- Problem formulation, Simplex Method, Revised Simplex Method, Duality & Sensitivity. Unconstrained optimization of several variables• Numerical methods for unconstrained optimisation : Random search & Univariate method, Fletcher Reverse method, Newtons method.) • Discrete Mathematics ( Logic : Propositions and logical operations, Truth tables, Equivalence and implication, Laws of logic, Mathematical induction and quantifiers. Set theory : Method of proof for set, Venn diagram, set membership tables, definitions, Laws of set theory, Partition of sets. Permutations, combinations and discrete probability. Introduction to permutations and combinations, Generation of permutation and combination, Discrete probability, Conditional probability. Relations and diagraphs., Paths and the relations and diagraphs, Properties of relations, Equivalence relations, Computer representation of relations and diagraphs, Manipulation of relations, Transitive closure, Warshall’s algorithm.Function and pigeon hole principle Definition, Types of functions: injective, surjective, bijective, Composition, identity and inverse, Pigeon hole principle.Graphs , Posets, Hasse Diagram, Lattices, Finite Boolean Algebra, Groups & their Applications Introduction to Rings & Fields.) Units covered in Postgraduate Studies. • Advance Financial Mathematics (Access Grid Room -University of Wollongong): Brownian motion, Black-Scholes equation for pricing Digital options and Power options, Reflection principle and barrier options, Pricing options using Monte Carlo Simulations, Monte Carlo estimation methods for hedge ratio, Finite-difference methods for Vanilla options and Asian Options, C++ Programming. • Financial Econometrics 2 (Monash University):Modeling asset return volatility, volatility modeling for measuring risk and pricing derivatives, continuous time stochastic Processes for pricing financial Derivatives, High Frequency data Analysis, Generalized Method of Moments in Financial Models. • COMPUTATION IN Stochastics (Monash University): Stochastic differential equations, Taylor expansion of stochastic differential equations, Evaluation of option values. European option. American option, Optimization methods using C++. • STOCHASTIC CALCULUS AND MATHEMATICAL FINANCE (Dr. Fima Klebaner- Monash University): Ito integrals and Ito’s formula. Stochastic Differential Equations and Diffusions, Calculation of expectations and PDE’s, Feynman-Kac formula. Martingales and Semi martingales. Change of Probability Measure and Girsanov Theorem. Fundamental Theorems of Asset Pricing. Change of Numeraire. Application to options. • Stochastic Processes II - Random Walks & Markov Chains (Monash University): Simple Random Walks Discrete-time martingales. Markov chains, both continuous and discrete time. • Applied Statistics: Sample Survey, Clustering, Classification, Principal Component Analysis and Time Series Analysis. (79/100). • Game Theory and Applications (RMIT University): Strategic Form of Games, Incomplete Information, Cooperative Games. • Nonparametric Curve Estimation (AMSI - Dr. Aurore Delaigle-University of Melbourne): Kernal Density Estimation, kernel Regression, Spline Regression, Wavelet Analysis and Bootstrapping. • Financial Time Series (Access Grid Room- University of South Australia): Spectral decomposition, Box-Jenkins models, Forecasting techniques, Smoothing of time series, GARCH and other volatility models, Stochastic Differential Equations. • Statistical Inference: Statistical Inference at the level of Lee Bain and Max Engelhardt (2000).
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe Biologia, Chimica, Geografia, Microbiolo... Classe di concorso 60/A

72) ID 26103
aus 80021 Afragola
Biologia, Chimica, Geografia, Microbiologia, Matematica a studenti di scuole elementari, medie, superiori e universitari
Laurea Specialistica in Biotecnologie Mediche,votazione + lezioni private di biologia, chimica e scienze a studenti di scuole elementari,medie e superiori
Classe di concorso 60/A
Sono una ragazza neolaureata, con ottima competenze nell'ambito scientifico, desiderosa di fare l'esperienza dell'insegnamento e di cimentarmi in questa realtà, grazie alla mia laurea(Decreto Ministeriale 39/38)ho Accesso all'insegnamento nelle scuole superiori, ma mi offro anche per ripetizioni ad alunni di scuole elementari o medie, avendo già avuto esperienze di questo genere in passato.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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73) ID 24817
aus 41104 Pune
M.C.A with distinction from pune university
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Hi I am AMOL. I am well tutor for computer science subject. I have 3 years of experience in teaching field for various level with giving good results.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe English Year 7 to Year 12

74) ID 30343
aus 2121 Epping
Principal:B.Bus., LLB Chartered Accountant and Solicitor. Head of English: B.A. dip. ed., 27 years working for the NSW dept. of education, HSC marking over 13 years, writing textbooks for Cambridge press, working with Macquarie university HSC research facility.
Year 7 to Year 12
Tutoring based upon the NSW dept. of education syllabus in small, friendly group situations of 3 to 4 students, for years 7 to 10. Class groups arranged in relation to ability. Access to coach also provided through phone and e-mail between lessons. Individual coaching provided for years 11 and 12. Teachers are patient and well trained.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Microsoft Office, Word, Excel, Outlook, ... CORE, EXPERT

75) ID 29237
aus 12461 ΧΑΙΔΑΡΙ
Microsoft Office, Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, FrontPage, Access, ECDL, MOUS
%u03A6%u03C1%u03BF%u03BD%u03C4%u03B7%u03C3%u03C4%u03AE%u03C1%u03B9%u03B1 - Microsoft Office, Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, FrontPage, Access, ECDL, MOUS - %u03A7%u0391%u0399%u0394%u0391%u03A1%u0399 More information at request / by phone or email. :-)
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe Mathematics, Economics, English, SAT, GR... Primary, Secondary and Third level undergraduate levels.

76) ID 14808
aus 75010 Paris
Mathematics, Economics, English, SAT, GRE, GMAT
Honours Bachelor of Science: Financial Mathematics and Economics Teaching English as a Foreign Language(TEFL)
Primary, Secondary and Third level undergraduate levels.
I've worked with children and adults and thus have become a patient as well as experienced tutor. I'm especially good at simplifying mathematics and making it Accessible to students.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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  • I have not met the tutor yet. This is just the impression from our telephone conversation.

Nachhilfe Mathematik, Differentialrechnung, Integr... Bis Abitur bzw. Zwischenprüfung auf Uni/FH

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam
Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für Access Datenbank, Access
77) ID 9235
aus 66424 Homburg
Mathematik, Differentialrechnung, Integralrechnung, Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Microsoft, Office, Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Powerpoint
Bis Abitur bzw. Zwischenprüfung auf Uni/FH
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Ich habe jahrelange Unterrichtserfahrung
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Mathematik, VBA, Elektrotechnik bis 13. Klasse, Abitur

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam Nachhilfelehrer gibt ausschließlich Onlineunterricht.
78) ID 303439
aus 72250 Freudenstadt
Mathematik, VBA, Elektrotechnik
Studium Dipl.Ing. (TU) Elektrotechnik Dipl.-Ing. mit langjähriger Erfahrung in Nachhilfe und Erwachsenenbildung
bis 13. Klasse, Abitur
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Ich gebe leidenschaftlich gerne Nachhilfe in Mathematik, Informatik Grundlagen Mehr Infos via E-Mail und/oder Telefon. • Via Whatsapp erreichbar, Unterricht auch via WhatsApp, wenn gewünscht. Nutze Zoom, aber auch andere... Ich habe sehr viel zu tun und kaum Zeit für viele Bewerbungsanrufe. Rufen Sie mich deshalb an, wenn Sie Interesse haben. Ich freue mich auf Sie.

Warum mir Nachhilfe Freude macht?
Leidenschaft Mathematik, Programmierung. Nach meiner Pensionierung will ich noch aktiv sein. Mathematik ist meine Leidenschaft VBA Programmierung Grundlagen (15 Jahre Erfahrung ) Outlooksteuerung per VBA (15 Jahre Erfahrung) Elektrotechnik Grundlagen
ab 12 Euro/h, VHS - kommt auf den Fall an  info
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Nachhilfe geben

Nachhilfe geben ist ein spannender Nebenjob (- wenn er gut genug bezahlt wird). Denn jede Begegnung mit einem/r Schüler/in ist anders, auch die Familien sind verschieden. Manchmal ergeben sich längerfristige gute Beziehungen bis hin zu Freundschaften. Denn Nachhilfe geben ist häufig, was ein Gruppenunterricht nur selten sein kann: individuell und persönlich. Beim Begleiten und Unterrichten von Schülern in höheren Klassen oder bei der Nachhilfe für Studenten müssen Nachhilfelehrer/innnen sich gelegentlich etwas intensiver in den Stoff einarbeiten. Wenn das zeitlich möglich ist oder evtl. vom Schüler finanziell ausgeglichen wird, dann machen das die Nachhilfelehrer in der Regel gerne, und manchmal machen sie sich den Aufwand auch ohne dafür bezahlt zu werden - einfach aus eigenem Interesse und Neugier. Da sind die Nachhilfelehrer und Nachhilfelehrerinnen nach meiner Erfahrung sehr verschieden. Wer zum ersten Mal daran denkt, Nachhilfe zu geben ist bei uns richtig. Jetzt einfach kostenlos als Nachhilfelehrer/in anmelden - und wenn Fragen aufkommen: wir helfen gerne und können mit Erfahrung, Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen, ...denn: wir helfen helfen ;)

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Es ist eine clevere Entscheidung Nachhilfe zu suchen. Denn Nachhilfeunterricht ist nicht nur Förderunterricht nach der Schule oder als intensive Prüfungsvorbereitung. Nachhilfe ist eine Chance, und eine Begegnung: mit einer anderen Art, die Dinge zu sehen und erklärt zu bekommen. Wenn die Chemie stimmt und die fachlichen Grundlagen Fundament haben, dann kann professionelle Nachhilfe die Noten verbessern, Prüfungsängste abbauen, eine Nachprüfung vermeiden und dabei vielleicht auch noch Spaß machen. ;) - Also jetzt registrieren und einen Nachhilfelehrer finden! - Wir wünschen von Herzen eine erfolgreiche Nachhilfe!

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